Pump solutions for guaranteed seemless operation by Grundfos

Pump solutions for guaranteed seemless operation by Grundfos

It is a known that water is used extensively throughout all the processes in the textile industry. Almost all dyes, specialty chemicals, and finishing chemicals, are applied to textiles in water baths. Most fabric preparation steps, including resizing, scouring, bleaching and mercerizing, use water. The amount of water required varies and it depends on several factors such as specific processes operated at the mill, equipment used and also the fundamental management philosophy concerning water usage.

As a result, the industry is facing a critical issue today, which is water scarcity. There is a growing demand for fresh water, but improper disposal of wastewater or poor wastewater management threatens the existing water sources. To address this hazardous situation, Grundfos has designed solutions and innovations for the textile industry.  Grundfos provides end-to-end pump solutions built on more than 70 years of experience and designed with specific attention to ensure seamless operation in the most critical processes. Grundfos offers pumps, mixers and flowmakers that are eco-sensitive and reliable to  save water and energy.

–  Apparel and Textile News, Apparel Talk, Indian Apparel