Govt Support Needed to put Indian Brands on Global Map

Govt Support Needed to put Indian Brands on Global Map

Noted designer Ritu Beri feels government’s support and recognition are essential to put Indian brands on global map.

Beri’s not-for-Profit global foundation – the Luxury League, established to promote, market Indian luxury brands and initiate the concept of branding India globally, will be a part of “Make in India” Week being held from February 13 to 18 in Mumbai.

The Luxury League is organising a one-day session, “The Global Design & Innovation Session” tomorrow.

“We would have leaders from the world of fashion from across the globe. I feel the Indian brands need to be on the global map as luxury brands do contribute to the economy of the country. We do need help from the government,” Beri said.

“We expect the government to at least recognise the luxury industry and help in creating a brand that would represent India internationally. We need that help and respect,” she said adding there should be joint venture between international and Indian brands.

“The international brands want to come to India but there are policy issues. We have talent here. We have shoe makers with brilliant designs and people doing great work in fashion and accessory market,” designer said.

“We can create joint venture with international companies and put Indian luxury market on a global map. We need to create international presence.” The rich culture of India should be utilised in the best manner possible for creating brands in various areas, she added.