Zambian Delegation Praises Indian Handloom Sector

Zambian Delegation Praises Indian Handloom Sector

Members of a Zambian delegation including government officials and cotton sector representatives, who visited India recently have said that the visit helped them gain policy insights and practical advice on building successful handloom clusters, according to the International Trade Centre which facilitated the study tour.

The tour was part of an EU project to boost value addition in African cotton sector. The focus of the tour was to learn about how to develop and manage clusters that would boost productivity and competitiveness in their handloom textile industry.

“It is extremely enriching for us to understand the Indian handloom legacy and the policy support being provided to help it thrive,” Joseph Nkole, national coordinator, Cotton Association of Zambia (CAZ) said.

The delegation visited Hyderabad to observe handloom clusters and meet stakeholders from government and industry. It also visited government facilities, handloom co-operatives, and handloom parks. Delegates got a chance to see handloom weaving at the village level, and were able to understand the entire handloom production process.

The head of the delegation, Tobias Mulimbika, director, department of industry, ministry of commerce, trade and industry, said tour would help Zambian policymakers and industry groups adopt comparable policies to build a vibrant handloom sector. “Zambia has a lot to learn from the Indian handloom sector. In the Indian tradition, handloom is a way of life and it is a part of their tradition,” he added.