Williams’ Ethylene Plant Goes For Commercial Production

WilliamWilliams Partners s Partners is expecting ethylene production for sale to begin this month at its Geismar plant as commissioning efforts for the project near completion.

“This commissioning effort has been especially challenging after the uncharacteristically hard shutdown at the time of the incident and as a result of being out of commission for more than a year,” Mr. John Dearborn, senior vice president of NGL & Petchem Services said.

“Safety is our number one priority and guides all milestones related to this project as we work to rebuild our reputation as a safe and reliable supplier of olefins,” he added.

Geismar plant has capacity to produce 1.95 billion pounds of ethylene per year. Of this, Williams Partners’ share is approximately 1.7 billion pounds per year. Williams owns controlling interest in Geismar plant and is the general partner of Williams Partners.

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