Urging For Inclusion Of TN In The Smart City Programme

Urging For Inclusion Of TN In The Smart City ProgrammeKnitwear export from Tirupur in Tamil Nadu has recorded Rs. 18,000 Crore in 2013 – 14 and in the first six months of this fiscal year, it clocked Rs. 10,050 crore with a growth rate of 16 per cent in terms of Rupee and 13 per cent in terms of Dollar when compared to Rs. 8,650 crore achieved in the corresponding period last year.

With the continuance of same export trend, it will be touching Rs. 21,000 crore this year. Apart from export, Tirupur is also contributing about Rs. 9,000 crore to the domestic market, president Tirupur Exporters’ Association (TEA), Mr. A. Sakthivel said.

In a letter to Tamil Nadu chief minister, Mr. Thiru.O.Panneerselvam, Mr. Sakthivel said “re-bouncing of export growth has given us a lot of business confidence and is now striving to double the exports within next three years. It is not out of place to mention that the quality of infrastructure in Tirupur is poor compared to other cities doing export”. Better infrastructure will not only enhance the export but also provide additional employment to workers, mainly women workers from rural areas, Mr. Sakthivel said.  Tirupur was having population of just two lakh in 1970, which has touched nine lakh today and the share of migrant population is more in the industry and it is also getting increased day by day, he said.

At this juncture, the implementation of information technology is increasingly becoming essential for faster business decision making and efficient communication apart from lead a quality life. Smart City is the only solution for it, Mr. Sakthivel said urging the chief minister to consider Tirupur also in the Smart City programme and recommend it to the centre, which is now in the process of identifying 100 cities in the country under such programme.

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