Training Session On Safety Management By ITC

International Training CentreA safety delegation from the International Training Centre (ITC) of the International Labour Organization (ILO) organised an important training session on the subject of “Safety Systems Management” after its visit to Italy-based Miroglio group earlier this month.

This year, the Miroglio Group has been acknowledged as having one of the best company Safety Systems and was identified as a best practice to be illustrated to a delegation of 27 state representatives from numerous United Nations member states.

The ILO is a United Nations agency designed to promote basic human rights in the workplace on an international scale. Through constant dialogue between all stakeholders involved, the agency also aims to encourage companies to adopt appropriate social protection systems.

The ITC is the department of the ILO that manages training activities for members of the United Nations; this includes onsite activities, through instructive visits and e-learning.

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