TEA For Measures To Arrest Downfall Of Exports

TEA For Measures To Arrest Downfall Of Exports

The all India readymade garments exports, including those of Tirupur knitwear have declined by 7.3 per cent in the piriod of August compared to the corresponding month last year and to restore the growth, it is an urgent need for implementing the pending measures like 3 per cent Interest Subvention on Packing Credit, reduction of bank interest rates, refund of Duty Drawback Rate. Besides, there should be improvement in the infrastructure of road and port, 24×7 operation in ports for all shipping bills, refund of TUFs Interest subsidy to rejuvenate the exports, president, Tripura Exporters Association (TEA), A. Sakthivel in a release said.

He pointed out “Since our competitiveness have come down further to devaluation of China currency, employment intensive RMG sector should be given thrust to increase exports and employment.”

Meanwhile, a delegation from Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BGMEA), today visited Tirupur Exporters Association (TEA) to discuss about the implementation of Zero Liquid Discharge in Effluent Treatment Plants in Bangladesh.

Delegations chairman, Faruque Hassan appreciated the efforts taken by Tirupur for implementing Zero Liquid Discharge which they had not seen anywhere in the world and wondered the recovery of salt and water simultaneously. He also lauded the online monitoring system installed by the Pollution Control Board. After discussing the garment export scenario in Bangladesh, he said the country exports only 5 per cent of Global Market share and India and Bangladesh can complement each other in the business, as the raw materials, semi-finished items like acrylic fabric are exported from India, Hassan said.

Sakthivel, who is instrumental for implementing the zero liquid discharge in Tirupur, recalled the initiative taken by the Tamil Nadu chief minister on the issue.