Retailers to Sell Woolmark Prize Winning Lines

WoolmarkThe Australian-based international wool textile organization The Woolmark Company has joined hands with several international luxury fashion destinations to sell the next year’s Woolmark Prize winning collections from August 15.

The Woolmark Prize ceremony, which recognizes menswear design excellence using Australia’s natural fiber, is scheduled to be held on January 9, 2015 in London. The contest will be judged by the likes of English fashion designer Paul Smith, editor-in-chief, GQ UK Dylan Jones, Tim Blanks (editor at Large, and designer Nick Wooster. The womenswear award is due to be announced on March 17 in Beijing.

Started in 1953, the International Woolmark Prize crosses borders and cultures and has been revived for a new generation of emerging talents that continue to look at new ways to take wool into the future.

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