Max Fashion celebrates 17 years in India with 480 outlets

Max Fashion celebrates 17 years in India with 480 outlets

Value fashion retailer Max Fashion is celebrating 17 years of business in India and now has a network of more than 480 store locations. 

“The brand’s success is firmly rooted in its key principles of accessibility to fashion apparel and affordability while creating trends,” Max fashion said in a press release. 

Setting the standard for global fashion, Max maintains a current collection of fashion garments and releases new designs every forty-five days and recently unveiled their line of ecological products. 

The retailer has introduced new fashion verticals, giving a vast range from the shirt shop to lingerie and even baby wear, to match changing trends and consumer requests. 

Max adjusts to the ever-changing demands of its target audience, which has expanded to 35 million and beyond, as it maintains its market position in India’s value fashion industry. 

“Max Fashion is currently in a strong position to set new standards in the clothing industry and maintain a strong relationship with the youthful, fashion-conscious consumer,” the retailer added.

With over a million young followers on Facebook and Instagram, the brand stands out for having the largest social footprint as it transitions from offline to online with its ecommerce on web and mobile.

“By adopting an omni-channel strategy and integrating features like e-kiosks and click ‘n’ collect at stores, Max guarantees a flawless shopping experience,” Max Fashion stated.

Max is devoted to ethical fashion after noticing a sharp rise in client loyalty and an expanding number of new customers each year. 

With a strong commitment to community development, ethical sourcing, and a reduction of environmental effect, the brand is a leader in responsible and progressive fashion.