The five day workshop on ‘Lean manufacturing: Practices and Implementations,’ came to an end today. This workshop was organized by India’s largest vocational training network in apparel sector, Apparel Training & Design Centre (ATDC) in collaboration with Sri Lanka Institute of Textile and Apparel (SLITA) at ATDC-TOT (Training of Trainers) Academy, Gurgaon.
The training program was inaugurated by Sri. Hari Kapoor, ATDC VC and Dr. Darlie Koshy, DG&CEO-ATDC & IAM at ATDC-TOT (Training of Trainers) Academy, Gurgaon. Ms. Roopali Shukla, Head, ATDC-TOT Academy, Mr. Nawaz Mustapha, Director General, SLITA and Mr. B.L.S.P. Nishantha, Chief Technologist, SLITA, and other senior professionals involved in Apparel Production in Delhi NCR were also part of the workshop. Also present were the members of the recently formed ‘UJJESH’ apparel cluster which has been catalyzed with the help of ATDC & NPC in their approach to create denovo clusters.
Sri Lanka Institute of Textile and Apparel (SLITA) is an internationally renowned Training Institute and Technical Services Provider for the Textile and Apparel Industry. It provides fast track and cutting edge education to professionals for managing the Apparel Industry in a competitive era. The training program was conducted by Mr. Nawaz Mustapha, Director General, SLITA and Mr. B.L.S.P. Nishantha, Programme Coordinator & Chief Technologist, SLITA.
Lean manufacturing is a systematic approach for identifying and eliminating waste in operations through continuous improvement, reducing the cost of operating system and fulfilling the customer’s desire for maximum value at the lowest price. This workshop was specifically designed to introduce the concepts of LEAN IMPLEMENTATION and help translate theory into best practice through live case studies, group assignment, classroom training and case study presentations.
The Training focused on topics such as Type of wastes in the industry and how to reduce them, financial aspects of the garment industry, how to reduce cost on the RMG Industries, Value Engineering and its way, Implementation of 5S to eliminate waste from a work cycle. The training also included visual management exercises for process mapping to improve efficiency and quality. Cellular manufacturing concept was explained with videos, Value stream mapping concept was also explained for figuring out and execution of an order form procurement of raw materials to delivery on a single sheet of paper with proper calculation and behavioral matrix and core process matrix for measuring the performance, efficiency and rating was explained with videos. This training was in context of providing advance and upgraded specialized skills to ATDC Faculty Resources especially teaching AMT Courses.
Mr. Sanjay Anand, Executive Director, Blackberry, who attended this workshop as a trainee said, “This industry is very much optimistic to implement Lean Techniques in practical way. We can transform the conventional mind set to the lean way, and this will be an asset to the organization”
Dr. Darlie Koshy, DG & CEO, ATDC emphasized, “lean is only way forward for industry life through training. It was hearting to see organizations like Blackberry’s, Pee Empro Exports Pvt. Ltd., Neetee Clothing, Modelama Exports Ltd. and others who have already implemented lean in their factory participating in this training program along with ATDC faculty resources with full zeal and enthusiasm. This will also lead to generation of employment in Apparel sector.”
Mr. Nawaz Mustapha, Director General, SLITA said, “Sri Lanka’s government export performance is reaching 4.3 billion USD in 2014. This workshop was organized to share our experience and expertise on lean management in apparel sector. It is one of the best technique which produces product with less resources, capital, raw material, energy and labour. Apparel is an important contributing sector in Indian economy and this technique can prove very beneficial to this sector”.
ATDC TOT Academy is an institution which operates as a resource centre setting benchmarks and overall quality parameters for those in the business of skilling in the apparel sector. TOT Academy upgrades the knowledge base and skill levels of the faculty resources to develop industry oriented approach in their pedagogy. The key objective of the Academy is to bring about an overall systematic change in the Apparel Industry while providing better quality trainers for industry. With this vision this workshop was organised with Sri Lanka Institute of Textile and Apparel (SLITA) which will provide new insights in achieving higher efficiency & productivity. The training provided a great learning forum to the participants.