Jim Wiggett Takes Over As CEO Of Bebe Stores

Bebe storesBebe stores, a leading global women apparel retailer, has appointed Jim Wiggett as the chief executive officer (CEO) of the company. Mr. Wiggett has been serving as interim chief executive officer since June 2014.

Mr. Wiggett has 40 years of experience in retail and business. Prior to joining Bebe, he provided advisory services to the company for five years. He is the founder of the Jackson Hole Group, a strategic consulting unit, and has previously held a number of senior executive positions, with several high-profile companies.

Mr. Manny Mashouf, chairman of the Bebe board of directors said, “Since Mr. Jim joined as interim chief executive officer in June, we have been extremely pleased with his contributions and the strategic direction of the company.”

Bebe stores designs, develops, and produces a distinctive line of contemporary apparel and accessories for women under the Bebe, Bebe sport, and bbsp brand names. Bebe currently operates 175 retail stores and 35 outlet stores.

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