J Quality’ Tag For Japanese Apparel Products

J QualityTo identify products made in Japan, the apparel industry there is planning to use a special ‘J Quality’ tag on items in which three processes – weaving, dyeing and sewing – have been carried out domestically.

A report in Japan Times said, using such a tag will help consumers know about high-quality Japanese products, although these might be expensive.

The currently used ‘Made in Japan’ label includes products that are made using imported fabric but are sewn together in Japan. The ‘J Quality’ tag will distinguish those products that use domestically made fabric from the ones that use imported fabric.

The ministry of economy, trade and industry is likely to extend its support to the use of ‘J Quality’ tag on suits, shirts and sweaters. However, shoes and bags are likely to be excluded from the list.

The Japanese clothing market, however, is dominated by foreign-made apparel, which accounts for nearly 97 per cent of all garment sales.

In fiscal year 2013-14 that ended on March 31, 2014, Japan’s clothing and accessories imports surged by 20.5 per cent year-on-year to 3317 billion yen, while its textile yarn and fabric imports shot up by 22.3 per cent year-on-year to 888.909 billion yen.

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