Incentives Offer For Industries Ready To Move Out Of Bengaluru

Incentives Offer For Industries The Karnataka government offered incentives to industries willing to move out of the congested Bengaluru region, according to state’s additional chief secretary, K. Ratnaprabha.

Karnataka government has identified 1,000 acres land for the upcoming textile park at Yadgir in north Karnataka. The construction of the textiles park, in the most backward region of the state, is likely to improve condition of cotton growers and weavers besides generating employment for a large number of people, she said.

Besides this, the government is also planning to develop smaller textile parks at various places such as Vijayapura, Ballari and Chamarajanagar districts. She also said that the government intends to revise its Textile Policy and has sought views and comments from the stakeholders of textile industry. Once it receives the comments from the industry, it will revise the textile policy to make it more industry-friendly and the best in the country. The amendment will be carried out to suit the interests and needs of the textile industry. Ratnaprabha was speaking at a road show for ‘Technotex ’15’ at Bengaluru.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. S K Panda, textile secretary, said that the centre has set a target of achieving a 20 per cent growth in the textile sector during the 12th five year plan period as compared to 11 per cent during the 11th plan period. To achieve this target, the government has come out with a scheme of integrated textile park (SITP) in the country. Till now, several proposals have come and by March this year, around 7-8 parks will be approved.

He also called upon the state governments to come forward and identify large area for setting up of mega textile parks. Each of these mega textile parks should have at least 2,000 to 5,000 acres land so as to attract foreign direct investment.

The government is also working towards training around 1.5 million people in the textile sector during the 12th plan period. Of this, till now only 300,000 people have been trained. The centre is also ready to secure technological assistance from countries like China, France, Switzerland among others as well as provide the required infrastructure facilities, Mr. Panda added.

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