Demands Of Ludhiana Industry For The Textile Policy

Demands Of Ludhiana Industry For The Textile Policy

The recently formed Punjab government has decided to prepare a new textile policy with special focus on aligning it with centre’s textile policy for which it is holding meetings and taking suggestions from the industry and experts in the field. One such meeting was held in Ludhiana where industry players, association heads and experts were present.

At the meeting Industry insisted that state government should have a corpus for the textile industry like the centre so that the manufacturers can take the maximum advantage. Secondly, it regretted that some of the pollution laws of state government are more stringent compared to international level. There should be a similarity between the state and central government’s pollution laws.

Since Punjab’s textile and garment industry is mainly dependent on migratory workers, industry leaders strongly recommend reformation of labour laws. Any unit which is able to construct hostels for labour, should be given outright subsidy, they demanded. To face the severe shortage of skilled labour, the industry demanded for increase in funding and focus on skill development.

As individual R&D centres need lots of resources, industry demanded for a common such centre where collective efforts can be made for the support of industry.

Ludhiana is the biggest industrial city of Punjab where apart from textile, there are other units also. But there is no world-class exhibition centre in the city where buyer-seller meets (BSMs), and industrial events can be organized. Industry was very much keen about this long pending demand.

Industry leaders also pleaded for a better infrastructure facilities, relaxation in Taxes and regular communication between the government and the industry.

Apparel and Textile News, Apparel Talk, Indian Apparel