Chinese Garment Co. Signs MoU To Train Students

Chinese C&H Garment Co. Signs MoU To Train Students

Chinese C&H Garments has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Rwanda’s Workforce Development Authority (WDA) to enable students from technical and vocational institutions to secure training and employment opportunities.

The deal signed in Rwanda’s capital Kigali, is worth 516,731 US dollar and will facilitate training of at least 600 students in embroidery before being taken on for work at the factory. Anna An, C&H Garments’ manager said that experts at the factory will equip Rwandan students with various textile industry skills.

“We need more workers at the factory and this will be an opportunity for Rwandan vocational graduates to get hands-on skills training, and as well job opportunities. We are glad to contribute towards addressing unemployment challenges in Rwanda,” she said.

Jerome Gasana, WDA director-general, said the deal is part of the government’s efforts to boost the National Employment Programme (NEP) in the country. “We have a challenge of unemployment and this partnership will promote skills among young graduates. The garment industry is crucial to our country’s growth in terms of exports sector,” he said, adding 300 graduate students were taken up by the factory last year.