Turkey Textile Export

Turkey, 6th Largest Textile Exporter In The World

Turkey Textile ExportTurkey was ranked the sixth largest textile and confection exporter of the world by making around 4 per cent of such exports globally in 2014, according to a note released by the Turkish Statistics Institute yesterday.

China topped the list with 41 per cent, followed by India with 5.4 per cent, Italy 5.3 per cent and Germany 5 per cent.

There has also been a decrease in the share of textiles trade in the world. While the share of the sector was 7 per cent in global trade in 1995, this rate dropped to 4.6 per cent in 2014.

In 2014, Turkey was one of the three countries which gave a trade surplus in the sector that was around 16 billion US Dollar. China and India were the other two countries with trade surplus at 264.6 billion US Dollar and 33.7 billion US Dollar respectively. These countries were followed by the United States, Japan, Britain and Germany.

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